Katy Schimert

Holding, Kristen Lorello and Van Doren Waxter

Installation Views

Installation view (left to right): Senga Nengudi, In My Backyard, April 2020, 2020, Jackie Saccoccio, Portrait (Edge), 2015, and Katy Schimert, Dancer, 2020. Photo: Charles Benton
Installation view (left to right): of Katy Schimert, Dancer, 2020 and Judy Chicago, Woman with Orange Flares, 1972-2018. Photo: Charles Benton

Individual Works

Dancer, 2020, glazed terracotta, 19 x 21 x 14 inches
Dancer, 2020, glazed terracotta, 19 x 21 x 14 inches

Press Release